Legal Scholars: Jack Smith’s Charges Against President Trump Illegitimate

(Rallying Patriots) - Edwin Meese, who once served as attorney general during the Reagan administration, along with two professors who were clerks for the honorable Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, have come out with...

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WHAT A DISGRACE: Top Seventeen Times Biden Lied, Plagiarized, And Exaggerated

(Rallying Patriots) - With Harvard University President Claudine Gay being accused of plagiarism, there is a renewed interest in the topic overall, especially when...

Who’s Running The Show At The White House? Fox Business Host Suggests It’s NOT Biden

(Rallying Patriots) - Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo took to the airwaves not long after former President Donald Trump made the suggestion that maybe,...

Illegal Alien Thanks Biden After Crossing Into US: ‘I Love You’

(Rallying Patriots) - An illegal alien, one of thousands upon thousands who have flooded across the southern border in Arizona, wanted to share his...

ALERT: Big Name In Congress A Member Of ‘Secret’ Anti-Israel Group

(Rallying Patriots) - It's no secret that Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat and member of the infamous "Squad," tends to fall a bit...

SHOCK POLL: Majority Of Voters Worried About Election Cheating In 2024

(Rallying Patriots) - American voters have lost faith in elections, according to data gleaned from polling conducted by Rasmussen Reports. Given the amount of...

Soros Family, Megadonors Behind The Rise Of New York AG Suing Trump

(Rallying Patriots) - If there is a Democrat anywhere in the United States experiencing a rise to power, garnering media attention, and attacking former...

Joe Rogan Warns Dems Have “No Cards” To Play In 2024 Except Locking Up Trump

(Rallying Patriots) - Hugely popular podcast host Joe Rogan recently spoke with athlete and physician Dr. Sean Baker on his wildly popular program concerning...

CRIME FAMILY: James Biden Taped By FBI During Probe Nearly 30 Years Ago!

(Rallying Patriots) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation secretly recorded President Joe Biden's brother, James Biden, during a bribery investigation into a trial attorney...

MUST-SEE: Even CNN Is Slamming Biden’s Pathological Lies

(Rallying Patriots) - Okay, something strange is happening in the world of news media, and while I'd like to rejoice over this, I can't...
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